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2023-12-16 09:02





of China's , about the time of Xia Shang, the first for to make money, and also the coin in China, 。 The of in the Shang and Zhou was not , and it was made into , 。 With the of , began to use , , stone, jade, etc。 to make to meet 's for money, until the of metal made of 。

Thus, the of China's has 。 Metal stage。 There are many types of coins in the Qing , when the ten are the most。 When many Qing coins as in , the use of coins has and , which has the 。 , the large coins also have a value。 Many love the big coins, and a of coins has their goal。


清代机制铜圆的铸造始于1900年(清朝光绪二十六年),止于1911年(宣统三年)。铸造流通时间尽管只有十余年,但其鼎盛时期全国共有十七省二十局开机铸造铜圆。清末铜价剧涨,民间毁钱为铜,以获数倍之利,市面出现钱荒。广东因停铸制钱,市面制钱日乏,小额流通十分不便。为救钱荒,同时受香港铜元及外币影响,光绪26年6月,两广总督德寿与前总督李鸿章奏准广东仿香港铜仙铸造机制铜元。文中此枚大清铜币户部是皖字版。此枚钱币为户部造大清铜币当制其钱十文铜元,整体品相当不错胞浆自然,塑造工艺精湛。钱面:珠圈内汉文“大清铜币,圈(户部皖字版),下环“当十文”;背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说龙能增加一个人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下趋吉避凶。所以这种钱币一直深受收藏家的喜爱 ,大清铜币的版式繁多,尤以“ 皖”字版大清铜币存世量极为稀少,目前这样的钱币投资市场更火热,行情大涨大清铜币丙午,藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、保存很好、极为罕见、有巨大的投价值、及收藏价值。

The of the Qing began in 1900 (-six years in the Qing ) and ended in 1911 (three years in Xuan Tong)。 time is only more than ten years, in its , there were 17 and 20 all over the to start round。 In the late Qing , the price of rose, and the money was by the 。 money, and the was short of money and small was very 。

In order to save the money and be by Hong Kong's and , in June 26, , of and Li made a to Hong Kong's coin 。 In this paper, the large coin is the Anhui 。 This coin was made for the of Hubu coin when it was made for ten yuan。 The is quite good with and 。

: In the Pearl , the " coin, (Hubu Wan ), the lower ring"Dang "; on the back is a vivid , the is the of the , in , the can a 's luck, so that it tends to good luck and avoid evil under the of the 。 , this kind of coin has been loved by 。 There are many types of coins in the Qing 。 , the "Wan" of coins in the Qing is very rare。

At , the for such coins is more hot and the is 。 are rare, well , rare, with great value and 。 value。


近几年“大清铜币”一度成为收藏界追捧的宠儿,动辄上百万的天价,其存世量稀少,收藏价值极高。在2010年拍卖会上,一枚大清铜币(户部 皖 丙午 当制钱十文)以 285万人民币成交。大清铜币是近代中国铸币史上的精品,是价值高的历史文物,具有深远的文化纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的大清铜币见证了晚清民国时期惊天动地的伟大历史,由于历经百年风雨,并且其存世量稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。

In years, " coin" once the of the . It is worth of . Its stock is and its value is very high. At the 2010 , a large Qing coin (ten of money made in Wan-Jian noon by the of ) was at 2.85 RMB. The coin of the Qing is a high-value relic in the of . It has . At the same time, it is also a rare in and of and . The coins of the Great Qing the of the late Qing and the of China. they have gone a years of and , and their stock is , those with good , they are very with .